Mmmm, finally using the metallic pens I bought this summer.
Two day spread.
Finally found the better photo.
Ah copic markers, my joy and bane. Yesterday's color work caused bleeding and I had to do a cover up on the opposite side of the page with some paint. Dried fine, but not good for inking, so this magician is a smudgy mess.
Started a little late on a daily sketchbook. Other than the first 13 scratchings I officially started on a good one today.
January Video #1
Trying something different than a digital sketch with something straight out of my sketchbook with my favorite tool: a pen. However, instead of a using my usual Zebra F-301 BP Fine Point (0.7mm), I picked up a Zebra Sarasa Gel Ink Pen (0.3mm) at Kinokuniya and fell in love. Smooth and precise, just how I like my pens.
The Diddly Doodle End
My awesome sign off to Inktober. Catching up with some ballpoint pen drawings while watching Let's Play
Day 24 & 25
Some more Inktober
Dump of Ink
Inktober catch up sketch dump.
Day 19
Some of my favorite things are really just doodles