Latest in the series of iPad sketches. Going from a couple of D&D characters to some t-shirt designs and a future project (wink).
Got a song
Another March and another ECCC. For those not native or even familiar with the Seattle area, ECCC is the Emerald City Comiccon. I only went today (Saturday) but it was still pretty fun. Saw plenty of my friends who were vendoring this year and bought some art. Unfortunately not as much as previous years but got some stickers and shirts.
I can see the ferry terminal so I'll leave you with one of my newer D&D characters. Tobias King, the half-elven Bard.
And as is traditional, my ECCC loot. The some of artists I got treasure from this year were: Enfu, Wendi Chen, and Alphonso Orozco. Check them out, they are awesome.
#Inktober Drawing Drop off 3
#Inktober Drawing Drop off 2
I don't know why people like this one. The eyes got kinda messed up.
A little extra drawing that makes up for Day 10.
#Inktober Drawing Drop off 1
First five days of the Inktober Initiative. Hopefully I can keep up this year. Helps I have a suggested prompt list year too!
Gorgon kick
I was invited to enter another submission for an art show with a theme based around monsters. Gorgons are probably one of my favorite mythic creatures, so these are some of the sketches I've done over the last few days.
Preview: Warlock Update
It's coming up to a year since the creation of my Dungeons and Dragons warlock. Thought he needed a little refresher and it's getting to the point where I want to erase his face because it is a little too good looking.
A look back to his 2013 look: HERE
S for Succubus
A friend invited me and a couple others to draw Dungeons and Dragons monsters correlating with the alphabet. I called out for the Succubus.
I actually did two because as much as I liked first (top), it didn't feel seductive enough. So I drew the second one (bottom).
27 & 28
Dragons, dragons everywhere.
23, 24, 25 & 26
Finishing up the doodles to make up the days.
Unicorn girls
Shiny Koi